Tag Archive | Religion and Spirituality

This I Love

This morning as I was waiting for my cup of coffee to brew, I began my morning quiet time with an “Attitude of Gratitude”. As I looked around our kitchen, I thought to my self “I really love that arrangement” or “That picture belongs right there” and then I became flooded with the memories of where those items originated or who had given them to me. Then I began to thank God for the provisions He has given me and the people He has placed in my life.

Then, I allowed my mind to broaden and think of many of the people He placed in my life over the years. While most were amazing, not all were easy or a pleasure. I might add, some of those individuals were exhausting…They would suck the life right out of me with their:

  • Low Self-esteem
  • Under Developed Communication Skills
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Inadequate Support System
  • Difficulty Coping

Oh Wait…I Just Described Myself!!!

Yep, I have personally experienced every one of those things listed above at some point in my life. Oh, and believe you me…about the time I think I have things under wraps a wave hits and I find myself gasping for air.

Let me ask you something, Do you think this comes as surprise to God? Absolutely not!!! and the wall decor in my kitchen serves as my daily reminder!

He knows me…He really knows ME!!! Jesus gets me, understands me, tolerates me, and most of all He celebrates me!!!

Do I break His heart? Yes, I do on a daily basis!

Do I ask for His forgiveness? Yes, I do on a daily basis!

Does He beat me over the head with shame and condemnation? Absolutely not! In fact the scripture that assures me of this is Romans 8:1

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus

So, why does God place people in my path that remind me of my failures, deficits, past, lack of support, and my inability to cope or resolve my own problems?

To remind me:

  • I am Broken
  • I need to support and lift others up
  • I need to work to do better every day
  • I need to continue to work on my communication skills
  • I need to develop empathy

And sometimes…He is teaching me I need to set boundaries.

Whatever the reason…

Jesus Knows Me…This I Love!

Do You Have a Vision?

This morning as I was scrolling through my Facebook feed I saw a quote that caught my eye. The quote caused me to think about all the questioning from others and the blatant “No’s” throughout my life. Then, all of the sudden it became abundantly clear…They didn’t under the vision God had given me!

Oh my goodness…I had no clue they just didn’t understand!!! They did not understand the vision God had given me!!!

Uh Oh…All of the sudden I felt like a failure. I felt like I had not done a good enough job of communicating the vision to people. Then, clarity came! It is my vision. It was a vision God had given to me not them so why would I ever expect them to understand.

I’ve had several experiences where my vision was not understood…

  • I Am To Sing
    • My first memory of this was when I was about 10yrs old. We were driving into town (about a 10 mile drive) and we were all singing along to a song on the radio when my dad turned around and said, “Lee, stop singing, you’re off key!”. I was devastated and so embarrassed. Needless to say, I never sang in front of my dad again; that is until my Junior year in high school. It was in my junior year of high school that I was chosen to play the part of Widow Carney in the musical Oliver. My dad came to see the production. After the show my dad came up to me and said, “Wow…I didn’t know you could sing!”. Of course he didn’t…He didn’t understand the vision God had given me. Not only could I sing but I received Best Supporting Actress for that role.
    • Next, during my freshman year I didn’t make the Accapella choir. The choir director placed me in the 2nd choir. Once again, I was so frustrated. I knew I could sing…God said so! During Christmas break my sophomore year I moved to Angleton and under the leadership of Butch Broom, I began to flourish! He believed in me and supported my vision. I made Area Choir, received 1’s on my solos and ensembles. I was placed in a madrigal and was chosen to play the part of Widow Carney in Oliver. I’ll never forget the day I made area choir, the choir director that overlooked me came up to me and said, “Wow Kimbrough…I didn’t know you had it in you!”. Of course he didn’t…He didn’t understand the vision God had given me.
  • I Am To Be Richard Smith’s Wife: Let’s just say, at age 17 I didn’t receive a lot of support when I announced I was going to get married. The lack of support was not because of Richard but because of my age. Everyone felt I was too young for marriage and my classmates watched me like a hawk because they thought I was pregnant and had to get married…Nope, I was in love and had to marry that boy!!! He was my soulmate! 45 years later, we are still happily married and many of the nay sayers have said, “Wow, I didn’t think y’all would make it!” Of course they didn’t…They didn’t understand the vision God had given me.
  • I Am To Be A Nurse: While I didn’t have anyone doubt that I could be a nurse, I did have many who doubted the type of nurse I would become.
    • ICU Nurse: That was my dream job. I graduated from Nursing School knowing I wanted to be an ICU Nurse but was placed on the Medical Surgical unit instead because the nurse educator felt she knew me better than I knew myself. It wasn’t until my manager on the Med Surg unit, Carla Deggs, saw my potential and began to mentor me. She believed in me and before you know it, she helped me secure a spot in ICU. It was magical…The team was magical..I absolutely loved it. Later the nurse educator told me she didn’t think I could handle ICU. Of course she didn’t…she didn’t understand the vision God had given me.
    • PACU Nurse: The hospital went though some “restructuring” and required all nurses to reapply for their jobs. We had to list our 3 picks. Did I get my 1st pick? Nope, would you believe, I was assigned to be the Charge Nurse in PACU. Hmmm…I sure didn’t see that one coming! God Did Though!!!
      • 1st: ICU
      • 2nd: PACU
      • 3rd: Med Surg
    • Informatics Nurse: I was asked to join a team that would be building the electronic documentation system for the Emergency Room. We went off for training and during the training I was appointed to take the lead on the project. Richard asked me, “Baby do they know you have no training or knowledge of computers? Heck, you don’t even know how to turn one off!”. I told him, “no but I want to do this”. Several months later Richard said, “I wish I could access the information on my computer from my laptop” I asked, “Why don’t you remote in? He replied, “I don’t know how”…Who knew, I would be teaching my husband about the computer? God Did!
    • Director of Revenue Management: I was approached by the CEO at the hospital and he asked me to consider taking a job as the Director of Revenue Management where I would be tasked to go after the 5-6% of revenue left on the table. I went home and told Richard about it. He responded, “Baby do they know you’ve not managed finances or ever balanced a checkbook?” I told him, “no, but I want to do this”. With the help of my team we gleaned 5 million dollars over 5 years for that little 65 bed hospital. God Knew!!!
    • Director of Nursing: After 5 years in the Revenue Management Department, I went to the CEO and told him I wanted to go back into patient care. He replied, “I can’t let you do that. You bring too much money to the hospital.” I told him it wasn’t a desire…It was a calling. That day, I went home and there was a flyer in our mailbox seeking a Director of Nurses for a Skilled and Long Term Care Facility. I applied and was offered the position. Several of my co-workers at the hospital questioned my decision. I told them, it was what I wanted and believed I was being called to do. 15 years later, I stepped down from a DON position to care for my mom full time. Later my old co-worker told me she didn’t think I would make it as a DON. Of course she didn’t…she didn’t understand the vision God had given me.
  • I Am To Paint: My daughter introduced me to the world of chalk paint and I was hooked. I knew in my spirit…This is what I am suppose to do! While talking with one of my administrators he asked me, “what have you been doing?” I told him I was painting furniture. I was turning old furniture into works of art. He laughed at me and said, “I’m sure it doesn’t pay as much as being a DON.” When I told him no but it was what I loved he laughed even harder. Did he respect what I was doing? Of course he didn’t…He didn’t understand the vision God had given me.
  • I Am To Be My Mother’s Care Giver: In April 2022 my little 81yr old mother fell and broke her hip. She had surgery followed by postoperative complications. I made the decision to step down from my position as Director of Nurses to care for my mom. Several people told me, “You don’t want to do that…It is a huge commitment.” Of course they would say that…They didn’t understand the vision God had given me.

And, you are thinking…All that from a Facebook post???

Yes, all that to ask, has God Given You A Vision?

Don’t let the doubters and nay sayers keep you from fulfilling that God given Vision!

You’ve Got This and He’s Got You!!!

Feeling Stuck…Look Up!!!

A while back I took a piece of greenery from our bathroom and used it to decorate in our bedroom. Who knew this one simple decision would have such a profound effect on me and my mental clarity???

Sound dramatic? Well, for me it was…


Anyone who knows me is aware that visual order is essential for my mental health and well being. Visual chaos drives me insane and the exposed cords on my bathroom counter were driving me NUTS!!!

I tried several different types of stems and arrangements but nothing looked right. Running to the store to pick something up was not an easy option because it’s hard on my mother to transfer in and out of the car and leaving here at home is just not an option.

So, for weeks now, I have been STUCK!!!

  • My gaze was focused on the visual chaos of the cords
  • My brain was constantly scanning the house for anything that would work
  • Putting my makeup on and getting dressed in the morning was down right difficult

All I could focus on was the chaos and emptiness…I needed something quick!


Yep, the very greenery was right there in my bathroom above my cabinet! My first thought was, “oh no, I can’t move that. It belongs in there!”. Then, I realized, it really didn’t because I had not even recognized the greenery was up there or that it could be an option to resolve my issue.

So, guess what I did this morning…Yep, you guessed it!

Whoa…Wait! What’s that piece of paper sticking on the mirror you ask? Isn’t that visual clutter???

Nope…That’s my Love Note from my Granddaughter.

It is right where she posted it and will stay there to serves as a daily reminder…


So, why did I share this? Because perhaps there is something in your life that has you “STUCK” and this might help you get unstuck!

People often feel stuck because:

  • They may feel they are not able to implement change
  • They are unable to process past trauma or emotional wounds
  • They don’t understand why things are the way they are
  • They struggle with:
    • Motivation
    • Over-thinking
    • Low confidence
    • Low self-worth
    • Fear

How to stop feeling stuck:

  • Take a break
  • Pray
  • Make a gratitude list
  • Go to bed earlier
  • Take a mental health day
  • Do some inner work


Look Up & Have a Blessed Day,

Jack Kimbrough Leaves an Amazing Legacy


My day started out like any other day at work. While waiting for my laptop to boot up I logged into the phone system to retrieve my voice mails. But, unlike any other day, I hear my cousin Terry’s voice…”Lee Daddy is Gone”.  My body went numb and then I become keenly aware I can’t breathe!!!

On Monday, I received a call from one of our emergency room nurses. She left a message saying I had a family member in the ED who was asking for me. So, when I received the message, I immediately went down stairs to discover my Uncle Jack was in the emergency room. Despite his confusion due to low oxygen saturation, he immediately recognized me and began to converse with me. In the course of our conversation he told me he loved me and was very proud of me. He also told me , “I want to go home”. I immediately made the physician aware of Uncle Jack’s request and after the physician spoke with Uncle Jack and Aunt Sue he agreed to allow my Uncle Jack to return home on Hospice.

OMGosh…now he is gone!!! On January 23, 2013 at approximately 7:30 am. He was surrounded by his loved ones when he peacefully left this world and ran to loving arms of His Heavenly Father.

Jack Kimbrough was a  kind, compassionate, loving and well-respected man in the community which he served. He carried on his father’s legacy by becoming a registered pharmacist and he ran both of our family drug stores in Clute. K&S Pharmacy was on Hwy 288 in the building that is now the Koloche Shoppe and Kim’s Sundries which was on Main Street in Clute next to the post office.

Uncle Jack  never met a stranger in-fact he made everyone who entered his drug stores feel welcome. He loved his community and the people in it. And… everyone loved him. He would meet people after hours to ensure they were able to obtain the medicines they needed and I always was amazed at the different forms of payment he accepted…Cash, eggs, chickens, fresh loaves of homemade bread…whatever his customer was able to pay him with.

My Uncle Jack spoiled me rotten!!! I was the first-born child of his brother Dale Kimbrough and for as long as I can remember, I have been so proud of  my Uncle Jack. Even as a little girl, I was so incredibly proud to introduce him as MY  Uncle Jack!

At age 5, I would walk from our home to the drug store (about a block away) and on the days He was at the store on Main Street  he would greet me at the door of the store and carry me to the corner, walk me across the street so I could continue on my way to kindergarten. Yep, you guessed it…Absolute highlight of my day!!!

While most of his time was spent behind the counter compounding drugs and filling prescriptions there were occasions when he would break away from the stores to spend quality time with his family and loved ones. Even though he had two children of his own he would make time for me.  I remember, how excited I was when he invited me to ride with him to “Old Man Frederick’s” to see all the exotic animals  raised there. Uncle Jack  loved wild animals and exotic animals… That ol’ man had everything! Lions, Tigers and Bears…Oh My!!!

Uncle Jack loved to hunt. He and Daddy would take my cousins and me dove hunting in the valley where  we made some really awesome memories together…Of course Leslie, he would pick on me the whole trip and Uncle Jack would say, “he only picks on you because he loves you so much”.  Terry Uncle Jack’s daughter was older than me so she became my role model. She was sweet spirited, soft-spoken and very kind to me.  I loved my time with them all…We were  in those cotton fields hunting for hours making incredible memories without phones, ipads, or laptops…those were the good ol’ days!!!

My Uncle Jack was a wise man too. I spent my entire time in elementary, Jr. High, and High School learning as much as I could because, I was going to be a pharmacist like my Pawpaw Kim and Uncle Jack. Then I took chemistry in my last year of high school! I remember sitting down with Uncle Jack saying, “Uncle Jack, can you please explain the periodic table to me? I just don’t get it.” He would say, “Lee, you’re not suppose to get it. Just memorize it and move on.” While I didn’t get the periodic table, Uncle Jack got me! He said, “Lee, I know you want to carry on the family legacy but you were made to be a nurse. A nurse needs to know why. A nurse gets to ask those questions…you were meant to be a nurse like your Nonnie and Aunt Lillie”. Because Uncle Jack got me, I am now a registered nurse.

My Uncle Jack loved nature! He loved to hunt, fish, garden, and I heard he loved to skinny dip in his pond (Shhhh). As I mentioned he loved wild animals so much so he has not one but two 140 pound Timber Wolves and he has spoiled them rotten!!! Even as sick as he was, he would say, “I gotta get home to my babies”. He loved those beautiful creatures!

As a child I would sit on the counter and “help” Uncle Jack count pills and eat ice cream cones with him on the front steps of the store. As an adult I would sit with him and talk about his garden, fruit trees and wolves. We would discuss religion and philosophy. He would tell me stories about our family and provide history lessons. But, every discussion would lead to my Uncle Jack’s favorite topic…His Family. He loved us all so much and never wasted a chance to tell us! He would always tell me how proud of me he was. He would go on and on about how proud he was of  Terry and Leslie, how much he loved Andi and Daniel and how Aunt Sue’s children were his children. Then he would move on to all the grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. He loved my Dad so much and would tell me stories over and over of the fun they would have. He admired his mother and had so much respect for his Dad. But of all his loves…he adored my Aunt Sue!!! His eyes would light up when she walked into the room and would melt when she spoke.   

My Uncle Jack was a loving and respectful man. Just before leaving the emergency room on Monday, Uncle Jack shook hands with the physician and thanked everyone for the care he received by saying, “I thank you and my God thanks you”…

My Uncle Jack Has Left an Amazing Legacy of Love

Love Lee ♥

A Love Lee Place

In Just a Moment

We have all heard the saying…”It is not the breaths we take but the moments that take our breath away” but have you ever really stopped to reflect on the moments? All too often we take the “awe” moments for granted. In-fact they pass us by and all we don’t even realized they’ve occurred…

If you think about it some truly AMAZING events have occurred in a moment!!!

  • As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God
    descending like a dove and lighting on him. (Matthew 3:16)
  • Jesus turned and saw her. “Take heart, daughter,” he said, “your faith has
    healed you.” And the woman was healed from that moment. (Matthew 9:22)
  • Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed from that
    moment (Matthew 17:18)
  • At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. (Matthew 27:51)

Wow…moments with eternal impact captured and recorded in God’s word!!!

I have experienced some AMAZING moments; life events worth recording:

  • The moment I asked Jesus to be my personal Lord and Saviour
  • The moment I said I do to Richard Dallas Smith
  • The moment my first-born, Tori Rene Smith arrived
  • The moment the doctor said “It’s a Girl
  • The moment Cheyenne Mary Darrell, our granddaughter came into our lives

But, I have also had some pretty incredible moments which occur in every day life that take my breath away:

  • The moment I walk in the door after a long day at work and am greeted by the sounds, sights, and smells of home
  • The moment Richard walks up behind me while I am cooking dinner. wraps his arms around me and says “I love you”
  • The moment I pick up the phone to hear, “Hi Meme, whatcha doing?”
  • The moment when all my family is here and I realize I am surrounded by laughter

Wow…what can you do to impact a life

In Just A Moment

Love Lee ♥

A Love Lee Place


A Burning Heart

I frequently come in from work after dark and last night was no different. As I pull through the gate and made my way down the drive toward home I saw a yellow-orange glow. Then, the closer I got the bigger the glow got.

YES…That man of mine had built a fire!!!

We love to sit out in the evenings around the fire pit and discuss the events of our day. However, last night the discussion was delay a bit as our daughter had walked over to enjoy the fire with us. At some point in the conversation she realized she got a little chilled and decided to stand and move closer to the fire. As she stood over the fire watching it burn, she exclaimed…”Cheyenne come look…There is a burning heart inside the log”. Cheyenne reluctantly got up off the ground where she was playing with her dog and walked over to take a look. Then I heard “Wow…that is cool mom”. While their excitement peaked my interest, it wasn’t peaked enough to cause me to hoist myself up out of the chair I had waited for all day .

After the girls headed home and Richard and I shared the highlights of our day while Richard “tinkers” with the fire. As he looked into the fire he said, “You really should come see this burning heart. The girls weren’t kidding it is really beautiful”. Now for Richard to tell me it was beautiful, I knew I needed to take a look. Looking down into the hollow log the opposite end of the log was shaped like a heart and the embers were glowing with brilliant color…vibrant oranges, deep blue reds, and brilliant yellows.

As I stood and stared into the log, I couldn’t help but think…

Wow…I could see the glow of burning heart from the road but it wasn’t until I got close that I could see the buried embers and feel the intense warmth of the burning heart.

You know…it is very much the same with Jesus. From a distance we know He is there…but it is not until we get close enough to Him that we are able to see His “Burning Heart”

David Crowder says it best!!!

“How He Loves”

He is jealous for me,
Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree,
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy.
When all of a sudden,
I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
And I realise just how beautiful You are,
And how great Your affections are for me.

And oh, how He loves us so,
Oh how He loves us,
How He loves us all

Yeah, He loves us,
Whoa! how He loves us,
Whoa! how He loves us,
Whoa! how He loves.
Yeah, He loves us,
Whoa! how He loves us,
Whoa! how He loves us,
Whoa! how He loves.

We are His portion and He is our prize,
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes,
If grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking.
So Heaven meets earth like an unforseen kiss,
And my heart turns violently inside of my chest,
I don’t have time to maintain these regrets,
When I think about, the way…

He loves us,
Whoa! how He loves us,
Whoa! how He loves us,
Oh how He loves.
Yeah, He loves us,
Whoa! how He loves us.

He Loves Us With His Burning Heart!!!

Love Lee ♥

Get Plugged In

In order to enjoy the full benefit of an electrical appliance you must first plug it in. The power source is there but until the plug makes contact with the electrical outlet you are rendered powerless…

In much the same way, we have a source of power greater than that which can be provided by an electrical outlet. A source of power guaranteed to never flip a breaker, blow a fuse, or blackout…


His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 2 Peter 1:3

To experience His divine power and receive everything we need, we have to…


Love Lee ♥

A Trip To The Pig Pen









I love the story of the prodigal son. Here is a young man who has it all…a home, wealth, food, and his father’s love.  He becomes discontent and restless so he goes to his father and asks for his inheritance early. The father grants his son’s wishes and the son takes the money and runs.

The little party animal goes out and squanders away all the money his father gave him. With no money he is forced to go to work for a pig farmer. While working for the pig farmer he doesn’t even make enough money to buy food. He is forced to eat the same food the pigs eat.

After living in this state for a while he decides to go back home. He felt certain being a servant for his father would be better than working for the pig farmer. So he heads home…

As he approaches his father’s place, his dad sees him and runs out to greet him. His dad embraces him and welcomes him home. Not as a servant but as a son.

 This young man like many of us, we don’t recognize what we have and are never satisfied so we go out and experiment to find those things and people who bring us “happiness”.  Sometimes it just takes a…

A Trip To The Pig Pen

For us to change our mindset and recognize how truly blessed we are!!!

PS: For you parents who have kids in the “Pig Pen” you hold on to the promises of God…They will return home!!!

Love Lee ♥

Living a Cookie Cutter Life


Lately our lives have been consumed with looking at house plans. This is it… our shot to get what we want. As I look through the plans I have discovered often the exterior of the home is different but the floor plan is the same or the floor plan is different but the exterior has been changed. Then I think to myself “didn’t I just look at that one?”

Looking at house plans reminds me of people. We often times look for what is popular, in-style, or what other’s think and incorporate those looks, characteristics, or whatever into our lives. So much so we lose track of who we are.  I call this…

Living a Cookie Cutter Life

Cookie cutter lives is a life where we do, say, and live just like the next person. There is nothing to set us apart from the rest of the world. We do not live life to its fullest because we are so busy trying to be like the next person or fitting in.

What a tragedy…

Over the past six years I have learned to embrace my uniqueness. I don’t want to be like everyone else. I want to live a life set apart; one that is my own, led by my Father, unique, and distinctive.

My Father created me to be me…Not you, my mother, my sister, or my best friend…ME!!!

I celebrate the “me”, He created me to be and NO more…

Living a Cookie Cutter Life

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart…” Jeremiah 1:5

God is not a respecter of persons…He set you apart too!

Love Lee ♥

What A Mess

Recently we put our home on the market so we could pursue our lifelong dream of building a house. Whoop Whoop….

Who knew selling a house could be so much work? How on earth did all this stuff get into my closets? Where did all this dust come from? These are the questions that kept going through my mind as I was getting the house ready to put on the market.

All the time I was cleaning I kept saying…

What A Mess!

Then it dawned on me, our lives become much the same. Before we even realize it our lives become cluttered with negative thoughts and emotions, stress, illness, unhealthy habits, white lies…Hmmm wait, let’s just call it what it is…SIN

As with keeping up a house so to avoid clutter, dust, and depreciation, we must perform routine maintenance on our lives. And, just as there are times we are forced to ask for help around the house,we must call on the name of Jesus; an ever-present help in time of need for a Spiritual cleaning.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

Confessing our sins is our Spiritual house cleaning…What is it that is cluttering up your Spiritual Life? It’s time to clean it up so we no longer have to say…

What A Mess

Love Lee ♥