About Lee

Welcome to A Love Lee Place

 I Invite You To Join Me As I Journey to A Love Lee Place

 A Place of  Inspiration & Encouragement

 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and  not to harm you, plans to give you a hope   and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

 This is a scripture I claim over my life because I truly believe nothing happens by accident! God has a plan for us. As His precious children He adores us, wants to spend time with us, and cherishes us.

 It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end. (Ernest Hemingway)

My journey began in 1960 when I was brought into this world by Nancy and Dale Kimbrough. I was the first grandchild on my mother’s side and all my grandparents loved me rotten…

Being the oldest of four children, I grew up very quickly. I developed an outgoing
personality and strong leadership skills which have served me well as an adult.


fullsizeoutput_2469  Just before the Christmas holidays of my sophomore year I moved to  Angleton Texas and I remember being so  nervous as I walked into choir.  The entire choir was up on the risers but I only saw one face. There he was…standing on the back row; the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen in my life Richard Dallas Smith and it was the proverbial love at first sight. On December 18, 1977 during Christmas break of my Jr year we were married. I graduated at the end of my Jr year.

On April 18, 1979 I gave birth to an absolutely beautiful little girl, Tori Renae. Then on June 25, 1981 God blessed us with another precious package…an  adorable little girl, Brandi Lee. Over the years we have made incredible memories with our girls. Richard and I have always encouraged them to be independent, confident women and to pursue their passions. Therefore, both girls participated in dance, cheerleading, soccer, softball, volleyball and band. They both grew up to be two of the most amazing women I know.

On July 31, 2016 Our Tori left her earthly home and is now with Jesus. Although not a day goes by that we don’t miss her, we rest in knowing we’ll see her again one day soon.

While God did not give me a son, He did give me Robi, an amazing Son-In-Law! He is such a blessing and is more than a son-in-law…He is also my friend.


I have 3 wonderful grandchildren  Brandon, Michael, and Cheyenne And…Three beautiful Great-granddaughters

Payton, Skylar, & Charlie.

Being a Meme is one of my greatest blessings! There is nothing that touches my heart or  pleases my ear more than to hear

“Meme, I love you”….

In 1992 I graduated from nursing school as a Registered Nurse. I love being a nurse and I use the knowledge I’ve gained from life, formal education, an on the job training every single day. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my precious husband and daughters for making the sacrifices necessary for me to pursue my career.

I spend my free time enjoying life and making memories with family and friends. Richard and I love being in each others company and spend as much time together as possible.

From the time I was a little girl, I have known God has big plans for my life but I had to grow up first…Nothing happens by accident. So, now that I am all grown up, God is allowing me to use my life tragedies and trials to bring Him glory and honor… He gives beauty for ashes and joy for tears!

God has called me to share a message of encouragement, hope, healing, and restoration. A Love Lee Place is an extension of that calling so thanks for visiting and please come back often.

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11 thoughts on “About Lee

  1. I love you!!! I also love the passion and compassion that makes you, YOU!!! God uses you in some mighty ways!!! I look forward to reading your posts

  2. How did I not know about this site!! Lee Ann, you are a remarkable woman and someone I admire! I love your fresh spirit, enthusiasm and love for God!! I can’t wait to visit and read updates! Thank you for following God’s calling in your life!

  3. Pingback: Getting it Right « A Love Lee Place

  4. Well, I’m behind everyone finding this site – fantastics. I’m praying for you my sweet sister. God is up to some great things through you! Love you.

  5. What an appropriate name for a site. You have always put the Lee in Love-Lee =D I can’t wait to share your sweet spirit with others..( all us North Tx.Cowgirls)Love you my S.I.S.(sister in Spirit)

  6. You always lift me up with your beautiful words! You are truly an amazing women. I am so blessed to call you my friend. Love ya!

  7. What a wonderful hobby! I picked it up about 4 years ago too!!!! Started with a piece I was either going to get rid of or “redeem” it! That started a flood of new found ideas. I gathered up pieces from everywhere. My most fun was going to storage auctions! So much fun! Found lots of treasures, but of course lots of other stuff too. I have even been known to pick up pieces at a curb waiting for the trash man! When I started, I was in Bryan/College Station. The market was very active……. students coming and going all the time. My favorite sight is Marketplace. Then I moved to a smaller town where not so active, but still moving pieces. That has become my new love too! You go, Girl!!!!

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