Tag Archive | Heart condition

It’s A Heart Condition

A little girl goes to the doctor’s office for her pre-school check-up. The doctor walks in and introduces himself. He proceeds to listen to her heart and lungs. As he lays his stethoscope on her chest, he gasps and says, “Is that Barney I hear walking around in your heart?”. The little girl looks up with a big smile and replies, “No Silly, that’s Jesus in my heart…Barney’s on my underwear!”.

I love that…no inhabitions!!! Her response was so matter-of-fact and with such conviction. We as adults could learn so much from this little girl.

Often the external display of behaviors, conversations, and associations do not indicate Jesus is anywhere near our hearts. Often we exhibit negative responses based on emotion. Below are some examples of negative emotions and the underlying cause(s).

Emotion/ Underlying Source

  • Fear: Aversion
  • Anger: Displeasure or Hostility
  • Guilt: Inadequacy
  • Depression: Pessimistic
  • Pride: Exaggerated elevation of one’s self
  • Jealousy: Threatened
  • Self Pity: Inability to cope
  • Anxiety: Overwhelming apprehension
  • Resentment: persistent ill will
  • Envy: Hyper awareness of what others have coupled with an unhealthy desire
  • Frustration: Unresolved problems or unfulfilled needs

So, when talking with an angry person who is frustrated you are better able to recognize you are really speaking with a displeased person with unfulfilled needs.

Hmmm…this insight might just put a whole new spin on what you hear that person saying. While you can’t change the circumstances that lead to the negative emotion from this person, we just might be able to have more compassion towards them when interacting with them.

In addition, if you recognize you might possess these emotions you should consider trying to find the source and begin to work through the issues.

When conscious of these emotions we can be somewhat in control of our interactions and reactions. We can adjust our responses and conversations to cater to our audience. What we need to remember is we live for an audience of One. We should speak and live to bring to honor and glory to Him…Father God.

It’s A Heart Condition

So, I ask you my friend…

What condition is your heart in? & Who is that I hear walking around in your heart?

Are you speaking to others and responding to others while bringing Glory and Honor to Your Father?

I have some work to do…How about you?

Love Lee ♥